Z-CoiL® footwear restores mobility to arthritis sufferers
Arthritis is a painful, often crippling condition that keeps many people from doing the things they enjoy, or even need to do every day. Nearly one in five adults in this country are afflicted with arthritis, a term encompassing more than 100 different degenerative diseases that affect the areas in or around joints, causing pain, swelling, and loss of movement.
Joint pain and stiffness can make movement difficult, yet it’s very important for those suffering from arthritis to maintain as much flexibility and muscle strength as possible in order to protect their joints.
Z-CoiL® footwear can help. The shock-absorbing Z-CoiL® heels, along with thick and resilient cushioning at the forefoot of the shoes, greatly reduce the sort of jarring impact that is so hard on aching joints. The coil also returns energy of motion to the wearer by up to 50%, putting that extra “spring” in your step, while the rocker-bottom soles of the shoes promotes a smooth, rolling gait that gently propels you forward. In Z-CoiL® shoes, walking can actually become a pleasure again, rather than a pain.
In fact, Z-CoiL® shoes have been recommended in Arthritis Today’s Walking Guide as “a good choice for people who have heel pain,” due to the way they absorb shock. They are also described as being especially good for heavy walkers and over-pronators, or people whose feet roll inward when they walk.
“When I was given a pair of Z-CoiL® shoes as a Christmas gift,” observes Pamela, a jeweler in Las Vegas, Nevada, “little did I know my health would be the real gift. Within the next month, my arthritis pain was gone.”
Pamela had suffered from both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) since she was 20. Her job requires her to be on her feet 12 to 14 hours a day, and every joint in her body ached. “When I first went in for the shoes, I was all bent over and in pain,” she remembers. “Now I am standing straight and tall with no pain.”
Alex, in retail sales in Overland Park, Kansas, has a similar story. “I was having severe problems with arthritis in both knees—so much so that I could barely get through a day at work.” Then he read an article in his local paper about Z-CoiL® Pain Relief Footwear™, and Alex decided to give the unusual shoes a try.
“After wearing the shoes for a couple of weeks,” he reports, “I found the pain and stiffness had lessened enough that I could start walking on a regular basis again—at first just a little, and then more frequently and on longer walks.” As a result, he says, “I’m healthier now than I was in my 20s and the arthritis is a non-issue.”
Steve, an engineer in Frisco, Texas, attributes the pain relief he and his wife, Kathy, have experienced to the unique design of their Z-CoiL® footwear. “As an engineer, I can appreciate that springs behave in a unique manner of physics known as Hooke’s law: the force exerted is a linear function of extension or compression. In other words, the spring slows your step down with a slow, constant force, rather than an abrupt stop.”
Steve once used a cane and had serious bouts with rheumatoid arthritis that lasted at least a week. Now with Z-CoiL® shoes, he believes his attacks are fewer and less severe. “I can only attribute this to the Z-CoiL® shoes and the cushion that they add to every step.” Kathy, meanwhile, has suffered for years from chronic back pain due to a car accident, but Z-CoiL® shoes have helped her get back on her feet too.
“Both my wife and I can now stand in line at the grocery store, something we could not tolerate before due to pain,” says Steve. “Now I can stand in line and I am not in pain at all.”
To read more testimonials from Z-CoiL® customers whose springy shoes have made their arthritis pain more manageable and their daily lives more enjoyable, visit our website at www.zcoil.com. Or visit a Z-CoiL® footwear store near you, and discover how you, too, can “bounce back” from arthritis.
For more information about this pervasive and chronic condition, visit www.arthritis.org.
To read more testimonials from Z-CoiL® customers, go to www.zcoil.com/testimonials.