Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Mission: To Change the World

Each Day, Week and Month we deliver on our mission of changing the world. Here is Pamela L.'s story:
"I am a nurse and am on my feet for many hours of the day. I had been having extreme pain in my right heel. An x ray showed that I had chipped my heel and did have some spurring. I did not know what I was going to do. I spent many hours buying and searching for shoes that would help with my pain. Nothing seemed to help. One day I went into a shoe store that sold z coils, looking for an insert that would help. I ended up buying a pair of white leather coils. From the moment that I put them on I could tell a BIG difference in my pain. My lower back pain improved also. I carry copies of the z coil brochures with me, and when we get patients that complain of back or knee pain I always have my shoes on and a pamphlet to hand out.  This is me with my dog "Tinkie" I found her abandoned underneath a bridge. She loves going on walks and I love my Z Coils and that I am able now to walk pain free. If you notice they are the hikers"

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